Hi Public,
This morning makes me to share lot of view coming to me. I want to touch upon a complex issue of dynamics of association; association of relations, friends, emotions, sentiments, strategy, logic and non-logic.
The way we work, behave and act depends on the association we have with a person, this changes drastically when the index of association changes. Let me make it simpler, the way we speak to our boss changes when you change your company, the junior senior complexity is not there then. The way you speak to your girl/boy friend changes drastically once she/he gets married (provided you are on speaking terms…lol). The way you speak to a stranger once you get to know he is from your city.
All the above examples touches upon the point of association. The dynamics comes into picture when the current association goes through a change or transformation, it sometimes is further reinforcing & sometimes devastating. These becomes the case why people leave there jobs, change their circle of friends, change career, change their way of living or force someone else to change their way of living.
When to some business proposal has a nod from the management the business case take an easy clearance through them, but on the other case logic has to work its way harder to prove its point.
When the emotions & sentiments are overwhelming, then the scope of practicality takes a back seat. On the same way in business when rage or passion is on a high then the canvas of logic is never painted with the true colors.
Shower your thought over the same and give your view.
Luvingly yours,
Shashwat K. Mitra aka SKM
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